VOX Philippines
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The meaning of Vox:
vox literally means "voice," which is the source of vocare "to call" (Latin)
vox populi vox Dei: Latin quotation - the voice of the people (is) the voice of God
vox in British English: a voice or sound
Meaning of
vox in English: (especially in music journalism) vocals; voice.
1970s shortened from vocals, probably after Latin vox ‘voice’.
Capitalized, VOX is short for voice operated switch it is a term commonly used in telecommunications. It refers to a switch that works when a sound is detected by a device (transmitter or recording device) which is activated by the sound in place of a user a pushing a button to transmit.
Vox - in the audio and sound recording industry vox is a term used as an abbreviation for voice or vocal tracks.
The sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vocal tract
Synonyms: phonation vocalisation vocalization voice vocalism
Related Words: communication singing voice sprechgesang sprechstimme voice over.
VOX as an abbreviation - what does VOX stand for?
VOX Voice Transmission (Community » News & Media)
VoX Voice eXchange (Computing » Telecom)
VOX Very Old Xmitter (Internet » Chat)
VOX Visual Originality and X (Miscellaneous » Unclassified)
VOX Voice Operated eXchange (Academic & Science » Electronics)
VOX Voice Operated Switch (Academic & Science » Electronics)
VOX Voice-Operated Transmitter (Governmental » NASA)
VOX Voice Actuation (Governmental » Military -- and more...)
VOX Vehicle Office X (Miscellaneous » Automotive)
VOX Voice Activation (Computing » IT)
VOX Voice Operated Threshold (Computing » IT)
VOX Voice Recording (Computing » IT)
VOX Volume Element (Computing » IT)
Vox is a musical equipment manufacturer (
voxamps.com) which is most famous for making the Vox AC30 guitar amplifier, the Vox Continental electric organ, and a series of innovative but commercially unsuccessful electric
guitars and bass guitars. Founded in Dartford, Kent, England, Vox has been owned by the Japanese electronics firm Korg since 1992.
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